Live Life Quotes

Live Life Quotes

Your choices, Your actions, Your life, live it Your way with no regrets. 
Be careful with your words. Once they’re said, they can only be forgiven not forgotten. 
How people treat you is their consequence, & how you react is yours..☀ 
"Do not spend your time being BITTER, spend your time being BLESSED." 
Life always offers you a second chance. It is called TOMORROW. 
Letting other things happen doesn't mean you give up, its simply knowing that beyond risking sometimes, things fall perfectly after waiting. 
Failure is not the opposite of success, it's actually a part of it..☀ 
You will never know what you're good at, until you try..☀
Stay strong & have faith.. At the end of the day, your TEST will become your TESTimony & your MESS will become your MESSage..☀  

Live Life Quotes

Don't let negative pictures play on the movie screen of your mind, you hold the remote control - all you need to do is change the channel..☀ 
Anyone who would take advantage of my weaknesses doesn't deserve my strengths. 
Keep smiling, be an optimistic individual for better living. 
It is not how much you do, but how much Love you put into the doing that matters. 
"Life is very enjoyable when we learn to pray about everything and worry about nothing. 
In life, you'll meet 2 kinds of people. The ones who build you up & the ones who tear you down. In the end, you'll thank them both. 
Life is not always sunshine and butterflies and sometimes you have to learn to smile through the pain. 
Don't waste your time with clever excuses. Invest your time & actions in meaningful achievement. 
The strength you build within your own life is a powerful tool you can use to create prosperity.

Live Life Quotes